UK Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

January 26, 2015

Balance Me Radiance Face Mask Review

One Little Vice Beauty Blog: Natural Face Mask for radiant clear skin
One Little Vice Beauty Blog: Balance Me Natural Face Mask for clogged dull skin

When I went for my Balance Me skin consultation back in December one of the products that was highly recommended to me was Balance Me's Radiance Face Mask*. It was recommended to me because I have clogged pores and combination (dry/oily skin), and I needed something to help me gently but effectively exfoliate my skin - and this mask is good for all these skin concerns. It's first ingredient is water, followed by clay, so it is a clay mask but it's very light and the high concentration of sweet almond oil keeps it from being too drying. Essentially, the complex base formula is a creamy, light clay mask that does some cleansing but also helps to soften and balance the skin, making it perfect for combination skin-types.

In and among the clay you can also find small particles of walnut shell which add a touch of exfoliation. It's quite a gentle exfoliation but it might still be too harsh for incredibly sensitive skin, however, for me it's just enough to brighten and soften my skin without leaving it looking red. I like to gentle work Balance Me's Radiance Face Mask into my face when I first apply it, I find that this gets all the exfoliation out of the way at the beginning of the application so that the rest of the mask's ingredients can really get to work on my skin. I wait about ten minutes and find that a lot of the product seems to sink in and disappear. Once this has happened, I remove the face mask using a flannel soaked in warm water using small circular motions. The product is incredibly easy to remove so it won't irritate sensitive skin, and I find that the brightening and softening effects are immediately noticeable.

I've used a couple of 15ml mini tubes of Balance Me Radiance Face Mask before and they tend to give about three to four full applications. This means that a 75ml tube will give you approximately 15-20 applications, which I think definitely justifies the price. I picked mine up on for £18.00 with free delivery, but you can also find the 15ml tubes which are available for £4.50. 

Have you tried any Balance Me products before? 
What's your favourite face mask?



  1. I definitely want to try this as I have really similar skin concerns. I love the idea of the walnut shell too :) xx

    Magpie Jasmine || Palette Giveaway: Urban Decay, Nars, Charlotte Tilbury, Too Faced

  2. I haven't tried this yet, as Balance Me isn't carried here in the U.S., but I found an online store that offers free worldwide delivery!

  3. I like multi-tasking face masks - this sounds similar to the Laidbare For Richer For Porer Mask. I need to try more balance Me products xx

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